Digital Sub Group



Tuesday 22nd March 2022

Call to Communications Specialists to Support With the Next Phase of the St Ives Town Deal Programme 

St Ives Town Deal Board is looking for quotes from communications specialists in Cornwall who have a keen interest in driving strategic messages to local stakeholders to help promote the next exciting phase of the St Ives Town Deal programme.

Following the Government’s announcement last year to award up to £19.9million Town Deal funding to help the regeneration of St Ives, the nine shortlisted projects have been working hard behind the scenes to develop their business cases for final submission to Government this summer.

The nine projects put forward in the investment plan aim to support a new integrated, low carbon transport system, develop new skills, businesses and jobs, as well as provide transformed housing and community assets.

 The St Ives Town Deal Board is looking for a supplier with the ability to carry, through creative and impactful communications,  the transformative journey the town is about to embark on as the projects’ funding is confirmed and delivery starts.

For more information and quotation requirements download the full brief here. Please submit your quote electronically by 5pm on  2nd May.