© 2025 - St Ives Town Deal
This project involves a major repositioning and refurbishment of the Rugby Club facilities which are sited on land owned by Cornwall Council.
There are currently no high quality sports facilities for the community in St Ives; this project will create a modern clubhouse facility with two full size sports pitches for use by the club and the local community.
It will also free up land to create new affordable homes for key workers and extra care housing as well as improved sports facilities.
The planning application for the St Ives Rugby Club project to reposition and refurbish clubhouse facilities to provide a modern clubhouse with two full size sports pitches for use by the club and local community is now available for viewing on Cornwall Council’s online planning register: https://https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/environment-and-planning/planning/online-planning-register/
The application will also free up land for the potential delivery of extra care homes and affordable housing on the site.
The reference number for the application is PA24/04344.
One of nine projects due to be delivered as part of the multi-million pound St Ives Town Deal, the submission of the planning application marks a key milestone in the development and delivery of this exciting and ambitious scheme to provide much needed local housing and extra care facilities in St Ives, as well as delivering new high-quality sports facilities for the local community.
Discussions over the need to improve the clubhouse building and facilities and make better use of the site have been taking place for some time. The project will free up land to both create new homes and better facilities for an organisation that has long been a core part of the community.
If approved the plans, which have been developed in conversation with the Rugby Club, the RFU and meet the requirements and standards of Sport England, will see the new sports facility remaining on the same site but relocated further north in the position of the existing grandstand. This will then, in turn, free up the space for the new affordable housing and extra care accommodation in respond to identified local need. The land is owned by Cornwall Council.
The planning application is a ‘hybrid’ type, with a full planning application for the relocation of the current clubhouse building and training pitch and associated access, parking and landscaping; and an outline planning application (with all matters reserved) to provide for up to 50 dwellings and up to 70 extra care units with associated open space. An outline planning permission allows for a decision on the general principle of how a site can be developed, whereas a full permission is detailed and no further planning permissions are necessary.
The application was formally validated by Cornwall Council’s Local Planning Authority on 31 May. A decision on the application is currently expected to be made in Autumn 2024 following a full consultation and publicity process involving the public, expert consultees and many other stakeholders. The Council is able to receive comments at any time while it is considering the planning application.
There are two main ways for people to comment on the planning application.
These are:
© 2025 - St Ives Town Deal