Come and join St Ives Town Deal Board

We are looking for new members and are keen to hear from people who are passionate about St Ives and its future and want to help us deliver our vision for St Ives.

Your background could be business, education, community or voluntary work, or something else that gives you the confidence and skills to help us deliver our vision.

The application deadline is 19 July 2024 with interviews planned for the week commencing 29 July.

You can watch a short video about the role here :

Your commitment to the board is around two days a month including attending board meetings every three months with greater commitment needed at key programme milestones. Meetings take place at St Ives Town Council offices and online.

You can read a copy of the role profile and find out how to apply here :

Find out more about who we are and our work on the St Ives Town Deal website

To talk someone in confidence about this role, please email